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Resource College Policies

1.0 Code statement

The Resource College (RC) is committed to continually strengthening its ethical culture. We will perform our jobs and conduct teaching business in an ethical and compliant manner. All College personnel have a shared responsibility to the College, to the students we serve, to our community and to each other. All Directors, Academic staff, Non-Academic staff and Students shall act with honesty, integrity, and openness in all their dealings with RC. Resource College maintains an environment that values integrity, fairness and respect.

2.0 Why code of ethics at Resource College?

This Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards (“Code”) is a tool to help RC stakeholders comply with legal and regulatory requirements and with College policies and procedures. The Code is designed to help staff and students make ethical choices when and if faced with a difficult decision or situation. In each case codes carry general obligations and admonitions. They often capture a vision of excellence, of what individuals and societies should be striving for and what they can achieve. This code of ethics acts as a guiding light for RC, enabling its members and students make morally sound decisions and deal with situations without prejudice to core ethical values of integrity, trustworthiness, fairness, courtesy, respect and tolerance.

3.0 Applicability of the Code

This Code applies to all Resource College personnel. For the purpose of this Code, personnel includes, but not limited to faculty, staff, students, and individuals hired or contracted to perform a function that is generally associated with an employment relationship among others..

4.0 Code of Conduct for Academic Staff

4.1 An academic staff shall teach his/her courses at scheduled times, in depth. Lecturing and research in the various disciplines shall be of high standards.

4.2 An academic staff shall constantly improve his knowledge in his areas of expertise.

4.3 An academic staff shall not relate to his/her students in a way that could compromise or be seen to have compromised his/her position as a lecturer/ guardian.

4.4 An academic staff shall not favour any student by disclosing examinations questions before the scheduled time for such examinations or by awarding unearned grades or by acting in any other manner inconsistent with his/her status.

4.5 An academic staff shall not plagiarise work or works of other authors.

4.6 An academic staff shall attend official meetings regularly and promptly.

4.7 The Director, Programmes Coordinator, Lecturers and other constituted bodies shall promptly investigate any breach of this Code that is reported to them in writing. Such officers and bodies shall take decisions commensurate with their level of authority or refer the matter to such a person or body that has authority to act on the matter. Where a member of staff has been charged with an offence before a competent Court of Law or judicial Tribunal, he/she shall be interdicted from service forthwith, and shall be put on half pay until the final determination of the matter. If at the end of the trial he/she is acquitted, he/she shall be entitled to the balance of his/her pay.

4.8 An academic staff shall not disclose the contents of a confidential document or official information without proper authority.

4.9 Sanctions

4.9.1 The Code of Conduct shall be binding on all academic staff and where there is need for sanctions, recourse shall be made to the existing statutes, ordinances, regulations and rules as appropriate.

5.0 Code of Conduct for Non-academic Staff

5.1 A non-academic staff shall not disclose the contents of a confidential document or official information without proper authority.

5.2 A non-academic staff shall not delay official work, official correspondence or any official duty.

5.3 Any official work shall be meticulously carried out to the satisfaction of the College. Any official minutes, notes, correspondence, or such other relevant document shall be properly written to truly reflect the decisions.

5.4 Prompt and courteous attention should be the hall-mark of a College staff.

5.5 Sanctions

5.5.1 The Code of Conduct shall be binding on all non-academic staff and where there is need for sanctions, recourse shall be made to the existing statutes, ordinances, regulations and rules as appropriate.

6.0 Code of Conduct for all Staff

6.1 A member of staff shall not be a member of, or belong to, or take part in any society the membership of which is incompatible with the functions or dignity of his/her office.

6.2 Staff members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner befitting the service of the College. Any harmful or scandalous activity considered constituting serious misconduct in the eyes of the College, appropriate action shall be taken by the Director or Programmes Coordinator or Board to remedy the situation.

6.3 All staff shall give adequate notice to the appropriate officer of the College and obtain prior approval before travelling out of the College.

6.4 A staff member shall not accept, obtain, or cause any person to accept, or attempt to obtain from any persons, for himself/herself or for any other person, any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do any act in relation to College affairs or business or for showing or forbearing to show favour or dis-favour in matters relating to the College.

6.5 It shall be the duty of every member of staff to keep and preserve any College property entrusted to him/her with due care and diligence. If the College sustains a loss by reason of neglect or default of a member of staff, he/she shall, as far as practicable, be liable to make good the loss or damage. The assessment of what is payable shall be determined by the College but this shall be without prejudice to the recommendation of any Commission of Enquiry that may be instituted by the College.

6.6 Any sum of money due to such a member of staff from the College may be withheld in partial or full satisfaction of such a loss or damage;

6.7 Where a prima facie case of breach of any of these code of conduct has been made against a member of staff, such staff member shall not be granted leave, study leave or any other leave whatsoever, until the case has been disposed of. Such a case shall normally be concluded within three months or at such a reasonable period of time thereafter as may be decided by the Administrator;

6.8 Children and wards of staff shall keep to the laws and regulations of the College.

6.9 Notwithstanding the above, all staff shall be directly responsible for their personal conduct to acceptable standards in society.

6.10 In addition, the ethics code focuses on the following:

6.10.1 Creating a Respectful Campus Environment without discrimination based on race, colour, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, citizenship status, HIV and Aids status and genetic information.

6.10.2 Protecting College Assets and Appropriate Use of College Resources: We all have a responsibility to make sure that College resources are not wasted or used inappropriately. Stealing, committing fraud, bribing, and providing kickbacks are all examples of inappropriate use of College resources and are all violations of the law, College policy and this Code. We must all do our part to protect College resources..

6.10.3 Freedom of Expression: While our mission is dedicated to free expression and facilitation of the exchange of ideas, we need to balance that with our need to ensure that College endorsement is not improperly attributed and that College resources and facilities are used in a manner consistent with policy and campus safety.

6.10.4 Creating a Safe and Healthy College: A safe and healthy College refers to both environmental safety (i.e., buildings, grounds) and personal safety. When it comes to a safe and healthy college, we are all equally responsible for how we behave as well as how we treat others. If you ever feel unsafe or if you see or hear about unsafe conditions on campus or in your workplace, let someone know.


7.0 The Code of Conduct shall be binding on all staff and where there is need for sanctions, recourse shall be made to the existing statutes, ordinances, regulations and rules as appropriate.

7.1 Parents and guardians of children and wards who engage in anti-social behaviour (that is, any act that would amount to an offence under the laws of the land and such other conducts that would be a source of nuisance and inconvenience to neighbours) shall be held responsible for the actions of such children or wards.


Resource College follows a strict Quality Assurance System that is regulated by Umalusi through Utech.


Lecturers are continuously assessed through the proper use pace setters and lesson plans which are checked by Programs Coordinator and verified by the Director. Log in time sheets are integral part of Lecturers performance Assessment. Score sheets for each assignment and or tests are also part of the assessment. As per Umalusi requirement every lecturer must have in place a lecturers file or folder and available at all time with the lecturer during the time of teaching.

This file must consists of the following, CV, Timetable, Pace setters, Lessons plans, Assignments, Score sheets, Code of conduct for lecturers, Class register, Subject Syllabus including Assessment schedules for students.


Students are assessed on a regular basis. Assessment is based on provision of assignment. Work after each module(s). For NATED report 191 programmers, students are required to declare receipt of student’s assessment schedules detailing prescribed textbooks, date of test 1 & 2 to qualify for the final exam. Students require to sub-minimum of 40% per subject. Students are assessed on test 1 & test 2 to qualify for the final exam. Class Attendance is also part of Umalusi attendance and Punctuality Policy. Students must have minimum attendance of 80% to be eligible to write the final exam.

After every module(s), students are assessed through Assignments. Student Assignments marks are recorded on the Score Sheets provided by the Lecturer.


This is a guideline that defines the structure and content. The Pace setter is an interpretation and is used as a guide throughout the Course to monitor progress against original plan.


This is a detailed guide for teaching a lesson. It is a step by step guide that outlines lecturer’s objectives for what the Students would accomplish for that week creating a lesson plans involves certain goals, developing activities, and determining the material to be used.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, the many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, majority have injected humour, randomised words don't look believable.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, the many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, majority have injected humour, randomised words don't look believable.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, the many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, majority have injected humour, randomised words don't look believable.