The Night Of Suro: Its Special Qualities And Observances

The Night Of Suro: Its Special Qualities And Observances

lace environment.
People are prohibited from speaking about unimportant things, bad things, or even making bad prayers because it is believed that in the month of Suro all utterances are fulfilled. Besides being prohibited to speak, other prohibitions on the night of one Suro include eating, d

Dhikr is also a practice that was greatly beloved by the Prophet SAW. He never missed doing dhikr every day, making it one of the recommended practices for Muslims. Following the Prophet's practices is highly recommended in

imagePalace servants bear heirlooms while participating in the Kirab Pusaka and Tapa Bisu ritual ceremony in Solo on Saturday (31/8/2019) night. The procession takes place to commemorate the transition of the Islamic New Year, which in the Javanese calendar is called first Suro. (me

Dhikr is a deed beloved by Allah SWT, and those who perform it daily are promised Paradise by Allah. From Shaddad bin Aus radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said that the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever recites this dhikr during the day with full conviction, and then dies on that day before the evening, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. And whoever recites it at night with full conviction, and then dies before dawn, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari (7/150, no.

Both of these dhikr recitations can be practiced as a form of piety to Allah SWT. By reciting hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir, a Muslim submits to Allah and seeks protection only fro

e in their lives.
The Solo Culture and Tourism Office further clarifies that on the night of one Suro, people believe they must perform self-reflection or recall the mistakes they have made over the past year. The night of first Suro marks the change of the year, so there is hope that on this new page, one's character will change f

spada (vigilant).
"Eling means that humans must always remember who they are and where their position is as God's creation. While waspada means that humans must also be alert and vigilant against misleading tempt

s its own merits.
"It's possible that the Prophet saw was only told about the merit of Muharram surpassing Shaban in the last days of his life, or possibly the Prophet saw already knew about it but didn't have the chance to enhance fasting in the month of Muharram due to various hindrances, such as illness, travel, and the lik

ities, accidents.
The prayer focuses on asking for safety for oneself and family, as well as relatives and friends. For example, pouring water on the body from the top of the head to the entire body 7 times (7 in Javanese; pitu, is a prayer for God to pr

ght of First Suro
The prohibition on conducting wedding ceremonies on the night of first Suro is already very common, this includes the prohibition on organizing other events or celebrations on the night of one Suro. Such as circumcision celebrations, birth celebrations,

There are various dates in the month of Muharram that are encouraged for Should you have any queries about where by as well as tips on how to work with Muslim scholar's verdicts, you can email us with our page. performing voluntary fasting with numerous virtues. So, is it allowed to practice voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

lar celebrations.
Why does this prohibition on the night of one Suro exist? In the book titled Sajen dan Ritual Orang Jawa (2010) by Wahyana Giri, the night of first Suro is a holy night and its m

In this way, a Muslim can obtain the maximum benefits from the act of dhikr. The following is the meaning of hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir in Arabic compiled from various sources, Monday (18/9/

l Muslimiin.

Meaning: Allah is the Greatest, complete praise be to Him, and glory be to Allah day and night. I have turned my face sincerely towards He who has brought forth the heavens and the earth and I am not of those who associate (others with Allah). Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah,

its surroundings.
During this mubeng beteng ritual, individuals are not allowed or there is a prohibition on the night of first Suro to speak, as if they were meditating. This ritual is also known as

of the past year.
"The fast of Arafah erases the sins of the previous year and the coming year." He was also asked about the merit of the Ashura fast? He replied, "The Ashura fast erases the sins of the preceding y

As a form of worship, the dhikr hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir also has virtues that will provide benefits to those who practice it. Here are the virtues of the dhikr hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman

imageOne of the benefits of dhikr is receiving protection from Allah SWT. Those who constantly remember Allah and praise Him will be protected from various harms. Dhikr is also considered to open the door to salvation in this world and the hereafter. This can be seen from a hadith which states that if certain dhikr is recited three times in the evening, it can protect a person from the danger of poison thatimage

Brief descriptionlace environment. People are prohibited from speaking about unimportant things, bad things, or even making bad prayers because it is believed that in the month of Suro all utterances are fulfilled.

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