Democracy Flexibility And Our Forefathers

Democracy Flexibility And Our Forefathers

We got into a lengthy discussion at that point and I explained to him that we are the federal government and if there was something wrong with it, then in reality he needed to purchase a mirror so he could see who is really to blame. He began to get a bit hostile and told me we do not own the government any longer, it is now so big it tries to manage every aspect of our lives; he released into another tirade. This time he talked about; legislating particular drugs, FCC control of his television set, Political Accuracies in the schools, seat belt and helmet laws, standing in lines at airports, right to shoot someone who tries to take from you; on and on he went. I suggest truly another 15-minutes taken place. Patiently taking in all his complaints about the over litigation and trampling of civil rights and liberties.

imageHow can democracy work for lower earnings households that have to see their children pass away or sign up with street gangs? How can democracy work when these children are getting gunned down in drive by shootings? How can democracy work when a mom has to work as a hooker simply to feed her kids? How can democracy work when some child passes away due to the fact that they can not get the correct healthcare? How can democracy work when an elderly person needs to live in a dump after working their entire life?

Democrats in Congress, here's what would take place if you cut off the spigot. Without cash for the war, the President would need to withdraw the troops. He would never endanger our soldiers in the field. He would withdraw the soldiers, then rant at Congress for making him do this. However Democrats, if you don't call his bluff, he will never ever end this war. He is on a messianic objective to "spread democracy" to a democracy-hating Middle-East, and is in total denial about the futility of such an objective.

What dopes we were to begin this war. We played right into the hands of the terrorists. We are combating on their ground, in their area, in their sort of guerrilla war, in a tribal, religiously fanatic area of the world. We have actually now invested over $500 billion on this war, draining the life-blood and hard-earned taxes of typical Americans, with no end in sight.

On top of more soldiers, we need timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,difference between plutocracy and oligarchy (read this post here) game to alter our guidelines of engagement so our armed force can unleash the complete force of their abilities. The Sunni triangle must be minimized to a pile of debris like Berlin in WWII. No mosque or human shieldsmustoffersafe sanctuary. These individualsjustrespect power; that is how you work out with them. You have to speak their language.

Much of America has been feminized over the past forty years through the approach of postmodern Liberalism that has been taught in our schools. The Marxist media continually inclines things in favor of defeat. The Democrats dislike themselves and want America to suffer. Kids who imitate young boys are immediately given tablets. This is our domestic opponent.

I need to know how democracy works when lower income households do not have the opportunity to see their children go to college? I need to know how democracy works when you are driving down the roadway and some war veteran standing with a card board indication that requests money to help? I would like for our federal government leaders to go to some these homeless areas and really see how some of these lower income individuals that have to sleep out side because people have no where to live? I have actually driven down bad streets in the city of chicago. The hopelessness and appetite that these people feel is heart breaking to see. I want to know how democracy works when you eliminate individuals hope and pride so that they have to beg for food?

Brief descriptionWe got into a lengthy discussion at that point and I explained to him that we are the federal government difference between plutocracy and oligarchy (read this post here) if there was something wrong with it, then in reality he needed to purchase a mirror so he could see who is really to blame.

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    • Frantz
      We got into a lengthy discussion at that point and I explained to him that we are the federal government and if there was something wrong with it, then in reality he needed to purchase a mirror so he could see who is really to blame. He began to get...

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