Iraq Research Study Group - Calling Thomas Jefferson

Iraq Research Study Group - Calling Thomas Jefferson

They would rather everybody believe that a democracy is the Utopian political fantasy that just the U.S. has. But the truth is the U.S. has big problems. We had Katrina. the Iraq war. big deficit spending. runaway spending. tax incentives that end every year. a huge federal government. partisan federal government. horrible health care. and the list goes on.

imageDemocracy in Iraq, at this point and time, is a dream. This objective needs to be abandoned. The Iraqi people are not socially progressed enough at this time in history to accept democracy. This might possibly take place sometime in the future, but not today. Centuries old hatreds need to work themselves out before this can occur. When the Iraqi individuals get tired of killing one another over spiritual distinctions, then they will develop to higher systems of government by themselves. You can not enforce democracy through force.

Democrats, our Establishing Daddies gave you the supreme weapon to stop a President who threatens our country with worthless wars. That weapon was the power of the handbag. If you don't use it, you and the Congress you manage are just absolutely useless to the American people and to our security.

The closure of Guantanamo Bay has actually been heralded by some, and questioned by others. The timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy game inmates of Guantanamo Bay have actually been accused of horrendous criminal activitiesversusmankind and tortured for these criminal activities. Is torturejustified when it is done on behalf of a government, but not warranted when the opposition to the governmentbecome the torturers? Terrorists and flexibility fighters are specified by one's point of view.

Well, let me say this for myself. I have strong views on the role of federal government, tax policy, civil rights, trade policy and a host of other stuff. But I would never ever desire an administration to try to carry out policies all at when that would embody the depth and extent of these views. Never. And anyone out there who does, at the minimum, require to reassess what does Plutocracy mean in government the hell they are asking of a society.

I am not advocating disobedience against authority. Neither am I recommending that Christians march against abortion clinics. I am discussing living as a public witness for Jesus Christ, of bold to preach on a public street corner, of crying out for lost souls, and of speaking versus sin and wickedness in positions of authority.

I needed to question whether the Israel being a democracy would impede the assistance of other nations, and it turns out that this would not be a contributing element. My research study did nevertheless turn up something that the majority of people do not understand.

Your really strong views about anything are your right to have. However governance is not about everybody else succumbing to your whims, fancies, beliefs or enthusiasms. Governance is, amongst other things, about striking a healthy balance between contending positions. And that is hard. Neither must it be, else someone would get the grand idea that maybe with a bit more charm, a bit more lying, a bit more deception, possibly, just perhaps you might blindside everyone enough time to slip something that has nothing to do with typical interests past everyone. So I never wish to live in a society where it is simple to make concrete modifications, even if those modifications completely show my own values.

Brief descriptionThey would rather everybody believe that a democracy is the Utopian political fantasy that just the U.S. has. But the truth is the U.S. has big problems. We had Katrina. the Iraq war. what does Plutocracy mean in government big deficit spending. runaway spending.

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    • Frantz
      They would rather everybody believe that a democracy is the Utopian political fantasy that just the U.S. has. But the truth is the U.S. has big problems. We had Katrina. the Iraq war. big deficit spending. runaway spending. tax incentives that end...

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