The Problem With Democracy

The Problem With Democracy

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the way and the system it works. It's just that I want people to totally understand what they have actually defended, what they believe in, and what they are safeguarding. I like it here, and would never ever captivate the thought of going elsewhere, but I do understand what America really is.

Democrats, our Founding Daddies gave you the ultimate weapon to stop a President who threatens our nation with useless wars. That weapon was the power of the bag. You and the Congress you manage are just absolutely ineffective to the American people and to our security if you do not utilize it.

imageIn France following the Transformation in 1789 - 1789 The Rights of man and the country developed. National Convention was by all males in 1792. Universal male suffrage in 1848. In Australia democracy developed in the 19th century. It was the first federal government to introduce females's suffrage in 1861. New Zealand achieved male suffrage in 1879 and female suffrage in 1893. Nevertheless women could not stand for Parliament till 1919.

I will then inform them that we are a Federal Republic, the most recent style of federal government, which we choose people to take workplace and after that that person either makes or votes yes to the laws. If they remember the grange halls, I then ask the older people.Grange Halls were the typicallocation that individuals of each neighborhood timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,Plutocracy Examples In History game would meet and vote yeah! or nah! on each and every law. People voted on laws in those places upwards to 4 times a year.

Moreover, it might be the very best thing that took place to us if Middle-East nations cut off our oil. What we require is an enormous, alternative-energy "Manhattan task" like the Manhattan Job in World War II that created the atomic bomb in record time. We currently have the technology to become oil-independent.

And while I know within myself that these problems will get better over time, as an investor you require to focus on what's going on in the political world.

And then it struck me. This is the issue, and I do not imply the federal government. I indicate us, you and I. We are the issue. When an authorities of the government, the highest ranking authorities of among the nation's biggest and most powerful cities in the nation can make a blanket declaration like this and it does not even make a blip on the news and not a single dissenting voice in the media or by any other chosen officials then it simply shows to me that we as a people have actually forgotten who we are and where we originated from. If a chosen authorities had stated such a thing in the days of the Founders, he would have discovered himself run right out of office if not the town itself. How far we have fallen from our starts.

Brief descriptionDon't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the way and the system it works. It's just that I want people to totally understand what they have actually defended, what they believe Plutocracy Examples In History, and what they are safeguarding.

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group The Problem With Democracy
      Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the way and the system it works. It's just that I want people to totally understand what they have actually defended, what they believe in, and what they are safeguarding. I like it here, and would never...

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