Where Has The American Dream Gone? When Will Democracy Work For All People?

Where Has The American Dream Gone? When Will Democracy Work For All People?

I would not count on the next administration for any enhancement whatsoever. The only thing in doubt at this point is which nation President Clinton and Vice President Obama plan to destroy next. Obama is salivating at the prospect of crushing Pakistan. Hey, Obama - here's a Newsflash: Pakistan has nukes, and they just might be tempted to use them.

In the last 8 years in particular we have actually rarely been informed the reality by the American federal government, the british federal government or the australian federal government. It has actually been a disastrous period for democracy. Since we have actually not been informed the reality, we have ended up in a contrived war and seen our society degenerate into abuse and murder.

Thousands of young Americans have currently died to give "democracy" to fanatic Islamic millions whose mullahs and religion preach hatred against the very idea of democracy. They practice a religious beliefs that detests democracy and private liberty, a religious beliefs that demands outright obedience to their god and Islamic law.

On top of more soldiers, we require to change our rules of engagement so our military can let loose the full blast of their capabilities. The Sunni triangle should be decreased to a pile of debris like Berlin in WWII. No mosque or human guardsneed tosupplysafe house. These peoplejustrespect power; that is how you negotiate with them. You have to timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,define plutocracy form of government - you can try these out - game speak their language.

Additionally, it might be the best thing that took place to us if Middle-East countries cut off our oil. What we require is a massive, alternative-energy "Manhattan project" like the Manhattan Task in World War II that developed the atomic bomb in record time. We already have the technology to end up being oil-independent.

Here in the United States, we are certainly fortunate. When your town and city conferences take place, learn and go about the working of your regional procedure. When you see something you do not understand, ask concerns. It is your right as well as your responsibility to take part when it comes up for discussion or a vote.

However could there perhaps be another side to this argument? She will most likely be charged under the Securing the State from the Dangers of the Subversive Components law in Burma. There are people in Burma that do not desire total democracy. There is a culture in Burma that fits the Burmese individuals, and they relate to democracy as subversive and as a hazard to their culture. Are they entitled to take such a position? Undoubtedly they have flexibility to choose against democracy as much as they have freedom to choose for democracy? If democracy operates in one country, can we assume that it will work in every other nation?

Brief descriptionI would not count on the next administration for any enhancement whatsoever. The only thing in doubt at this point is which nation President Clinton and define plutocracy form of government - you can try these out - Vice President Obama plan to destroy next.

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