Democracy And Worthless Gridlock

Democracy And Worthless Gridlock

Thousands of young Americans have actually already passed away to provide "democracy" to fanatic Islamic millions whose mullahs and faith preach hatred versus the very idea of democracy. They practice a religious beliefs that detests democracy and private liberty, a faith that demands absolute obedience to their god and Islamic law.

Much of America has been feminized over the past forty years through the approach of postmodern Liberalism that has been taught in our schools. The Marxist media constantly slants things in favor of defeat. The Democrats dislike themselves and desire America to suffer. Boys who act like boys are immediately provided tablets. This is our domestic opponent.

This reminds us of the legal action against Nazi war lawbreakers. Yes, atrocities were dedicated by these individuals. However how simply is retributive action when it is taken against a sickly octogenarian who must be uprooted from the country where he has lived for over 50 years so that he can die in prison? Where is the grace because? Surely those individuals have actually had to cope with their consciences all these years.

One bad part is that the instructors are still teaching the children of this mythological government called a Democracy. They do not recognize that the U.S.A. is a Federal Republic either. These very same teachers are attending Junior Colleges, Universities, and other organizations for four years or so in order to get their certificates. And yet they do not typically recognize this seemingly useless and little detail. Why? Well their teachers should still believe we are a Democracy too.

Is this elitist? Well, yes. However the elitism was to have actually been moderated by an intelligent people, an individuals who were included and understood the issues and went to a conference from time to time on some problem of government or society. But however this is the form of federal government we have and it has actually worked extremely well over the previous centuries. When the public excellent is not the primary focus of federal government timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy game that we have actually had issues, and it is just.

What has America end up being and where is it going? How far will we need to fall before we see that something is lethal wrong. Forget Politics and believe as a whole - Republican or Democrat - who ever gave the federal government [county, state or Federal] the power to choose if we can deserve to come together in our own home to hope, consume and read our Bible? That is unless we pay for the license. Really - an authorization to gather in my own home? A Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Research Study in the house Without a License.

The constant construct up of the Police State, the evaporation of rights approved to us by declaration and practice, the not so casual propaganda of fear mongering, the corrupt electronic voting equipment, the production of crisis, and the erosion of a financial system once based upon a real product (gold), now a mere printing press, ought to all give us a pregnant moment to pause, take a step back, and objectively take a look at the really scary likelihood of civil war. The only question remaining is what will be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back?

We got into a lengthy discussion at that point and I discussed to him that we are the Government Corruption today and if there was something incorrect with it, then in reality he required to buy a mirror so he could see who is truly to blame. He began to get a bit hostile and told me we do not own the federal government any longer, it is now so big it tries to control every aspect of our lives; he launched into another tirade. This time he talked about; legalizing particular drugs, FCC control of his television set, Political Correctness in the schools, seat belt and helmet laws, standing in lines at airports, right to shoot someone who attempts to steal from you; on and on he went. I imply truly another 15-minutes occurred. Patiently taking in all his complaints about the over litigation and trampling of civil liberties and flexibilities.

Brief descriptionThousands of young Americans have actually [empty] already passed away to provide "democracy" to fanatic Islamic millions whose mullahs and Government Corruption today faith preach hatred versus the very idea of democracy.

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group Democracy And Worthless Gridlock
      Thousands of young Americans have actually already passed away to provide "democracy" to fanatic Islamic millions whose mullahs and faith preach hatred versus the very idea of democracy. They practice a religious beliefs that detests democracy and...

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