War In Iraq Exit Methods?

War In Iraq Exit Methods?

There was a time where this country listened to the knowledge of John Adams and didn't head out abroad seeking beasts to destroy. Now, I wasn't around back then, however it sure noises like some good recommendations to me.

imageIf all we have is spin what possibility do we stand of getting the government we want? Then the government need to listen to what the individuals want, if democracy is government by the people for the people. That can not take place if all we get is 'spin' since we can not understand what we want if we do not understand the options.

Time and again I have actually heard the stories of our solders being court marshaled for doing their task. How can you send out boys and ladies into combat and then charge them with a crime for shooting first and asking concerns later?

We likewise have big, untapped materials of our own oil, Plutocracy Examples gas, and coal if we stop strangling our energy business with "save-the-earth" environmental regulations that stop us from drilling all over the Arctic, Alaska, and offshore. If we combine an alternative-energy "Manhattan task" and take the strangling shackles off our oil and gas companies, we quickly will not need Middle-East oil any longer. When that occurs, these countries will declare bankruptcy, their economies will shrivel up, and they'll run out cash to money the terrorists.

One bad part is that the instructors are still teaching the kids of this mythological federal government called a Democracy. They do not realize that the USA is a Federal Republic either. These very same instructors are going to Junior Colleges, Universities, and other institutions for 4 years or two in order to get their certificates. And yet they do not normally realize this relatively meaningless and small detail. Why? Well their teachers should still think we are a Democracy too.

Yes, a billion is a great deal of anything and everything unless you measure it against how out of control this administration and the current political class in Washington is when it concernsspending, and wasting timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,Plutocracy Examples game , taxpayer wealth. A billion seconds, a billion minutes, a billion hours, all last forever. A billion dollars in the hands of a Washington political leader, not a lot.

In UK Rise of Parliament in 1215. magna C arta. Very first English Parliamont developed in 1265. Simon de montford made power holders responsible to the electorates in 1265. English civil war 1642 - 1651. Herbias Corpus Act in 1679. English and Scottish Costs of Rights in 1689.

Brief descriptionThere was a Plutocracy Examples time where this country listened to the knowledge of John Adams and Plutocracy Examples didn't head out

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group War In Iraq Exit Methods?
      There was a time where this country listened to the knowledge of John Adams and didn't head out abroad seeking beasts to destroy. Now, I wasn't around back then, however it sure noises like some good recommendations to me. If all we have is spin...

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