The Problem With Democracy

The Problem With Democracy

Pre Democratic kinds of guideline existed in variuos nations eg. Mesopotamia, India, Sparta, Athens, Rome, Indian Native peoples of North and South Americas. The earliest kind of modern democracies established in Greece following an uprising in 508 BC in Greece. The word democracy is derived from a greek word which means 'Guideline of the people'.

Then what occurs when this new secular or Islamic totalitarian is in power? He will not interrupt our oil supply (which is all we actually appreciate), due to the fact that oil is the only thing that keeps these Middle-East oligarchy countries - Keep Reading - from coming down back into the Middle Ages. It is their only resource. Did Saddam cut off our oil? Does Iran stop selling us oil, despite the fact that they dislike our guts? Do they wish to lose their billions of dollars in revenue? I don't think so.

Federal government, however, would not be possible if this held truedespite the fact that now this is a lot morepossible to do. (Some people are advocatingsimply this type of timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy game thing by the way. And all this issue about polls to augur by is much of the exact same thing.) No treaty could be negotiated, nor legislation might ever be passed and no crookmight ever be captured, tried and founded guilty, if this were the case. It would be federal government by committee and that committee would be the committee of the wholepeople. And, pardon the expression, can you sue the us government it would be a rabble.

There will be rise of blend music which will give develop new types of music which will provide occur to one international music were many great principles of music will exist.

Throughout his press conference he railed on about the insensitivity of the Jumbo Jet flyby and the panic it caused to the people of New york city and how he wants answers as to why this took place. Then in the very same breath, without even missing a beat, he then said "in the end though, it's the federal government, and they will do whatever they want to." Huh.excuse me? Considering that when was this how our nation functioned?

Every American has had to make some changes throughout these times. Our spirit of thinking in this terrific nation has actually not dimed, even with the increased financial obligation each and every resident now has a part of.

One day, while courageously treking through the doom and gloom that news posts often provide. A series of questions popped into my mind and I might not set them aside.

Brief descriptionPre Democratic kinds of guideline existed in variuos nations eg. Mesopotamia, oligarchy countries - Keep Reading - India, Sparta, Athens, Rome, Indian Native peoples of North and South Americas.

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group The Problem With Democracy
      Pre Democratic kinds of guideline existed in variuos nations eg. Mesopotamia, India, Sparta, Athens, Rome, Indian Native peoples of North and South Americas. The earliest kind of modern democracies established in Greece following an uprising in 508...

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