Democracy Freedom And Our Forefathers

Democracy Freedom And Our Forefathers

imageHowever much of us don't understand that back in 1953 the United States and British intelligence firms toppled a popular democratically elected government in Iran. And consequently set up the Shah as leader because country. The Shah ruled with an iron first for the next 25 years, until the Iranian Transformation of 1978-1979 removed him from power. So much for our love of liberty and democracy. We overthrow a democratic federal government and install a dictatorship. Because we didn't like the method the democratic government was governing, this was done. And we wanted a ruler that would do our bidding.

3) what causes government corruption about those "authorized voters" who do not have access to, or the understanding of how to operate a computer? Would Mr. Rosen purchase computer systems and classes for everyone?

The only genuine question now, is given that we have actually seen this unfold before, are we going to enable the wool to be pulled over our eyes again; or will we have an enough amount of suspicion to make our leaders slow their roll this time.

Each state has a set number of electoral votes going by district, so the candidate who gets the most votes in any provided state gets all of the electoral votes in that state, even if they only got it by a single vote! An electorate simply counts the votes in their precinct up until a clear winner emerges, and then it's off to the Electoral College to choose the winner. So because election, a vote for Ralph Nader did not cancel out a choose George Bush.

What has America end up being and where is it going? How far will we need to fall before we see that something is deadly incorrect. Forget Politics and think as an entire - Republican or Democrat - who ever offered the federal government [county, state or Federal] the power to choose if we can deserve to come together in our own home to pray, eat and read our Bible? That is unless we spend for the license. Really - a license to congregate in my own home? A Couple Purchased to Stop Holding Bible Study in your home Without an Authorization.

For our government to honestly say that democracy works for all people is the most significant lie that I have actually ever heard. How can democracy work for people who feel the hunger and despondence of daily life? How can democracy work when lower income individuals lose jobs due to the fact that companies that say they support democracy and after that remove tasks that lower income work by having all our basic products made in china? I have listen to our government telling individuals that democracy works for all people. I have watched the hopelessness of lower income households that see their children wind up taking drugs or signing up with gangs. Since they have no opportunitya much better life, I timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy game have seen so many lower incomehouseholds lose their kids to death and prison.

Federal government, however, would not be possible if this held true despite the fact that now this is a lot more practical to do. (Some individuals are promoting just this kind of thing by the way. And all this issue about surveys to augur by is much of the same thing.) No treaty might be negotiated, nor legislation could ever be passed and no bad guy might ever be apprehended, attempted and founded guilty, if this were the case. It would be federal government by committee and that committee would be the committee of the entire individuals. And, pardon the expression, it would be a rabble.

No, Democrats, you did not need to capitulate. You did not up the ante in this power poker game. Your method needs to be to refuse to pass ANY costs bill till the President stops this war. Bring the federal government to a stop if needed. Cut off all funding to every department, every bureaucrat, every recipient of a federal government check. Hell, even stop the President's wage and the salary of his cabinet members.

Brief descriptionHowever much of us don't understand [empty] that back in 1953 the United States and British intelligence firms toppled a popular democratically elected what causes government corruption in Iran. And consequently set up the Shah as leader because country.

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group Democracy Freedom And Our Forefathers
      However much of us don't understand that back in 1953 the United States and British intelligence firms toppled a popular democratically elected government in Iran. And consequently set up the Shah as leader because country. The Shah ruled with an...

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