A Letter To Americans: Is Flexibility Escaping?

A Letter To Americans: Is Flexibility Escaping?

It was stated that some of Montana's best solutions for cutting expense came from these differ employees. He mentioned that he also wanted to take a cut in his own salary when he had to cut the wage of state staff members. Isn't that sacrifice for the greater good of all?

But much of us don't understand that back in 1953 the US and British intelligence firms toppled a popular democratically elected federal government in Iran. And subsequently installed the Shah as leader because nation. The Shah ruled with an iron initially for the next 25 years, until the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979 removed him from power. A lot for our love of freedom and democracy. We topple a democratic federal government corruption today and set up a dictatorship. This was done since we didn't like the way the democratic federal government was governing. And we desired a ruler that would do our bidding.

Any rumblings against this trend are never aired - for apparentreasons - the broadcasters merelydisregard timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy game it. Politiciansattempt not grumble for fear of being essentially boycotted by the media, or even worse, being pilloried. It might be too latecurrently. Those that talk topoliticiansgenerallyearn more than their interviewees. Isn't that symbolic of the shift in power in our society? In the UK, political parties are slowlycombining into a liberal, left-of-centre lump, rounded up like sheep by the mainly liberal minded BBC.

Sovereignity lodged in Assembly of residents who pick to participate in executive motions and making laws. Numerous countries permit referendum, initiative and recall. Works on small scale. Towns.

On top of more troops, we require to alter our rules of engagement so our armed force can unleash the full blast of their abilities. The Sunni triangle must be reduced to a stack of debris like Berlin in WWII. No mosque or human shields should offer safe haven. These people only respect power; that is how you negotiate with them. You have to speak their language.

And while I know within myself that these problems will get better with time, as a financier you require to focus on what's going on in the political world.

Don't get me incorrect. I'm not grumbling about the system and the way it works. It's just that I desire people to totally comprehend what they have actually fought for, what they believe in, and what they are defending. I like it here, and would never amuse the idea of going in other places, however I do comprehend what America actually is.

The BBC, as well as being obsessed with class (a charming notion about having upper, middle and lower hairs of people) has frequently hailed the "end of deference". I, for one, agree that deference is not suitable. I do nevertheless, feel that disrespect of political leaders is incorrect. What they have forgotten is that political leaders were chosen by us The People. By showing a disrespect to our politicians, the unelected journos, editors and producers are showing disrespect to us, Individuals. The unfortunate thing is that a free media that is not interfered with by government is definitely a vital component in a democracy. The arrogance and downright rudeness shown by some broadcasters is weakening this concept and bringing totally free media into disrespect.

Brief descriptionIt was stated that some of Montana's best solutions for government corruption today cutting expense came from these differ employees. He mentioned that he also wanted to take a cut in his own salary when he had to cut the wage of state staff members.

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    • Frantz
      It was stated that some of Montana's best solutions for cutting expense came from these differ employees. He mentioned that he also wanted to take a cut in his own salary when he had to cut the wage of state staff members. Isn't that sacrifice for...

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