War In Iraq Exit Strategies?

War In Iraq Exit Strategies?

imageThe only method this war will end is if Democrats get the spine to cut off the war funds, now. I have quit hope on the Republicans. Like lemmings, they just follow the President over the cliff, taking the American individuals with them.

Does it truly matter who wins this civil war? The majority of the groups there are either secular or spiritual fanatics, and the group that wins will probably create a dictatorship as bad as Saddam Hussein's. When we hung Saddam, we simply ousted one ill dictator, only to include another. In the Middle East, from past experience, what more can you expect?

Yes, a billion of anything, even things as little as seconds, minutes, and hours really amount to get to a million.unless your are discussing the U.S. Federal federal government and the political class who run it.

We have actually completed up the very first phase of the Iraq War in bringing Saddam Hussein to justice and we work on stage II now to help train and develop the Iraqis security forces. Next, we should make sure that the infrastructure remains in place and solid. However in stage 3 we should understand, that this stage is for the Iraqi people and their new-found government to write in the record of history. So, for now we ought to not consider the civil unrest and mini-confrontational civil conflicts, as if the Iraqi people are tossing away the present.

Perhaps you do not think that malesshouldhave the right topray in school. Maybe you feel that the bible is obsoleted and unimportant to modern life. Possibly for you, Christ should make no demands timocracy,ochlocracy,autocracy meaning,kleptocracies,plutocracy government countries game upon His subjects. Regarding prayer: even the Romans understood the value of permittinga conquered county complete access to their existing religious practices. As tosignificance: the bible plainly addresses and offersan option to every monetary, political, and moral ill that is currently choking this country. Regarding His subjects: they understand who He is, and they follow.

If we withdrew from Iraq, we continuously hear from the President and his fellow Republican politicians that there would be horrendous effects. OK. What consequences? If we left Iraq tomorrow, here's my guess on what would happen. There would be a blood-bath civil war between the Shiites, Sunnis, former Saddam's Bathe celebration militia, Al Qaida terrorists, Iranian infiltrators, and a dozen other fanatical groups, all at each others' throats. It would resemble another Palestine, where Fatah and Hamas terrorist groups are now at each other's throat for power.

Throughout his press conference he railed on about the insensitivity of the Jumbo Jet flyby and the panic it caused to the citizens of New York and how he desires responses as to why this took place. Then in the very same breath, without even missing a beat, he then stated "in the end though, it's the federal government, and they will do whatever they desire to." Huh.excuse me? Given that when was this how our country worked?

Brief descriptionThe only method this war will end is if Democrats get the spine to cut off the war funds, now. I have quit hope on the Republicans. Like lemmings, plutocracy government countries they just follow the President over the cliff, taking the American individuals with them.

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    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group War In Iraq Exit Strategies?
      The only method this war will end is if Democrats get the spine to cut off the war funds, now. I have quit hope on the Republicans. Like lemmings, they just follow the President over the cliff, taking the American individuals with them. Does it...

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