Activity of Frantz

    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group War In Iraq Exit Strategies?
      The only method this war will end is if Democrats get the spine to cut off the war funds, now. I have quit hope on the Republicans. Like lemmings, they just follow the President over the cliff, taking the American individuals with them. Does it...
      • Frantz
        I'm noticing a replay of 2002 - 2003 all over once again. Where a fair quantity of time was invested demonizing Iraq (weapons of mass damage, mushroom clouds, Saddam's a bad guy), over and over again, until it appeared that we just had to do...
        • Frantz
          Frantz created the group Democracy Freedom And Our Forefathers
          And now with several disputes raving, relatively practically everywhere that there's a resource to long for; do we really require to involve this nation in yet another military adventure? I needed to question whether the Israel being a democracy...
          • Frantz
            While I don't understand the history of social programs in this nation, I make sure they existed from the very start. And the minute a government provided someone some money for whatever reason, we instantly altered from a pure democracy to a social...
            • Frantz
              Frantz created the group Democracy Freedom And Our Forefathers
              He states that in Montana they run their government like a ranch. First challenging every expense. If it isn't definitely necessary, it is eliminated. Easy concept. Other methods of conserving were renegotiating state contracts, auctioning off state...
              • Frantz
                Fretting about statistics posted on the stock exchange fixes nothing. They are only numbers on paper, an impression of cash disappearing or appearing, before your eyes. Many Zimbabwean citizens have actually gotten in South Africa unlawfully. The...
                • Frantz
                  It was stated that some of Montana's best solutions for cutting expense came from these differ employees. He mentioned that he also wanted to take a cut in his own salary when he had to cut the wage of state staff members. Isn't that sacrifice for...
                  • Frantz
                    The people would make the choices on any policy of government if we had genuine democracies. It would be the people as legislators?and enforcers, by the method. But that doesn?t go far enough either. If we truly had a democracy, that is, a system of...
                    • Frantz
                      Frantz created the group On The Verge Of A World War
                      Additionally, it might be the very best thing that took place to us if Middle-East nations cut off our oil. What we need is an enormous, alternative-energy "Manhattan project" like the Manhattan Job in World War II that created the atomic bomb in...
                      • Frantz
                        Frantz created the group Is It Possible To Win The War In Iraq
                        In France following the Revolution in 1789 - 1789 The Rights of man and the country established. National Convention was by all males in 1792. Universal male suffrage in 1848. In Australia democracy developed in the 19th century. It was the very...
                        • Frantz
                          But could there potentially be another side to this argument? She will probably be charged under the Securing the State from the Threats of the Subversive Elements law in Burma. There are individuals in Burma that do not desire complete democracy....
                          • Frantz
                            The BBC, in addition to being consumed with class (a quaint idea about having upper, middle and lower hairs of people) has typically hailed the "end of deference". I, for one, agree that deference is not suitable. I do nevertheless, feel that...
                            • Frantz
                              Or maybe we can do something about it. How about the war? Anybody know why we exist? Why can't we just call it quits and get home? I'll tell you why. We have actually ended up being Germany in the thirties. Complacent. Indifferent. Unconcerned. Up...
                              • Frantz
                                Thousands of young Americans have currently passed away to provide "democracy" to fanatic Islamic millions whose mullahs and religious beliefs preach hatred against the really principle of democracy. They practice a religious beliefs that dislikes...
                                • Frantz
                                  Frantz created the group City Government Apathy
                                  Stressing over data posted on the stock exchange resolves nothing. They are only numbers on paper, an impression of cash vanishing or appearing, before your eyes. This has most likely been going on given that this nation was established. Keep in...
                                  • Frantz
                                    Frantz created the group Rise In Iraq Will Deepen Quagmire
                                    President Bush is playing a big bluff game with the Democrats. He dares them to cut off the funds, and thus "endanger our soldiers," and the Democrats have when again caved in to the bluff. They have actually just passed the President's latest ask...
                                    • Frantz
                                      In May Burma's military program jailed and charged the pro-democracy opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, since a male swam throughout a lake to her home. She is accused of breaching the regards to her home arrest and faces a possible 5 years in...
                                      • Frantz
                                        Though it postures under the camouflage of democracy and tolerance, Communism has actually moved upon this nation. And the Christians remain quiet. We have ended up being so self-centered that we will rejoice over another's loss of flexibility -...
                                        • Frantz
                                          Frantz created the group America Is Not A Democracy
                                          Oh, how government-union workers will growl when they do not get their weekly paychecks. Oh, how Social Security receivers will howl when they don't get their Social Security checks. Post workplace staff members might even go on strike. Eliminate...
                                          • Frantz
                                            Frantz created the group On The Brink Of A World War
                                            American food stands out due to the fact that of the suitables it holds, that it is accepted because examples of corruption cases its unique range, because of it's capability to stand out and blend in at the exact same time, ending up being a part...