Activity of Frantz

    • Frantz
      Frantz created the group The Four Phases To The Iraq War
      In UK Increase of Parliament in 1215. magna C arta. First English Parliamont developed in 1265. Simon de montford made power holders accountable to the electorates in 1265. English civil war 1642 - 1651. Herbias Corpus Act in 1679. English and...
      • Frantz
        Frantz created the group Liberty Day In South Africa
        6 Trillion Dollars: Our cost, since 1973, in aid to Israel, estimated by Washington financial expert Thomas Stauffer. That's more than two times the cost of the Vietnam war. This quote, by the method, is approximated to be at least a couple of...
        • Frantz
          Frantz created the group Freedom French Fries Anyone?
          In France following the Transformation in 1789 - 1789 The Rights of man and the country established. National Convention was by all males in 1792. Universal male suffrage in 1848. In Australia democracy evolved in the 19th century. It was the first...
          • Frantz
            Each state has a set variety of electoral votes passing district, so the candidate who gets the most votes in any offered state gets all of the electoral votes in that state, even if they just got it by a single vote! An electorate just counts the...
            • Frantz
              Frantz created the group Is It Possible To Win The War In Iraq
              So much for Pakistan. I imagine Hillary would want to focus on removing Syria and Iran. They have a great deal of nerve, you understand, in hiding our oil under their deserts. And after that, of course, the remainder of the hit list. Saudi Arabia....
              • Frantz
                After all of the failed attempts in negotiating a peace offer in between these two parties. I feel that perhaps the U.N. involvement might not be a bad thing. I can discover no factor to prevent the efforts of Palestine to be acknowledged as a...
                • Frantz
                  Each state has a set number of electoral votes passing district, so the candidate who gets the most votes in any offered state gets all of the electoral votes in that state, define plutocracy form Of government even if they only got it by a single...
                  • Frantz
                    I am not advocating rebellion versus authority. Neither am I suggesting that Christians march versus abortion clinics. I am speaking about living as a public witness for Jesus Christ, of bold to preach on a public street corner, of weeping out for...
                    • Frantz
                      Frantz created the group Flexibility Fries Anyone?
                      Today lots of Younger People and Xers do not rely on the government naturally they do not trust any authority of any kind. Then their Infant Boomers parents remember the 60s when things were not so relying on. What will occur in the future and how...
                      • Frantz
                        They would rather everybody believe that a democracy is the Utopian political fantasy that just the U.S. has. But the truth is the U.S. has big problems. We had Katrina. the Iraq war. big deficit spending. runaway spending. tax incentives that end...
                        • Frantz
                          Frantz created the group Is It Possible To Win The War In Iraq
                          And after that it occurred to me. This is the issue, and I don't imply the federal government. I imply us, you and I. We are the problem. When an authorities of the federal government, the highest ranking official of one of the country's biggest and...
                          • Frantz
                            We should also bear in mind that America has not suffered another attack straight since of the definitive action taken by our President George W. Bush. I wonder if we might state this if Liberals were in power, who would have pursued the Muslims...
                            • Frantz
                              Daily, thinking of all the problems of the world or your own individual issues, can be frustrating. So, throughout these times we need to bear in mind, what truly matters most in life. If you have a roof over your head and food on the table, you are...
                              • Frantz
                                Additionally, it may be the very best thing that took place to us if Middle-East countries cut off our oil. what is the difference between plutocracy and Democracy we need is an enormous, alternative-energy "Manhattan job" like the Manhattan Job in...
                                • Frantz
                                  So, as a observer and pontificator on local politics, why does Mr. Rosen captivate me? He only desires to destroy nationwide politics. This idea of direct democracy has to be stopped before it finds its way to the local level. History tells us...
                                  • Frantz
                                    If all we have is spin what opportunity do we stand of getting the government we want? If democracy is government by the individuals for individuals then the federal government must listen to what the people desire. That can not occur if all we get...
                                    • Frantz
                                      Democrats in Congress, here's what would occur if you cut off the spigot. Without money for the war, the President would need to withdraw the soldiers. He would never threaten our soldiers in the field. He would withdraw the troops, then tirade at...
                                      • Frantz
                                        Frantz created the group Civil War Type Squabbles In Iraq
                                        While I don't understand the history of social programs in this country, I make sure they existed from the very start. And the minute a Recent Us government corruption cases provided someone some money for whatever reason, we immediately changed...
                                        • Frantz
                                          Frantz created the group Civil War Type Squabbles In Iraq
                                          Left wing, extreme right, none of that matters. It is the very same wing with a different coat of paint. You can put lipstick on a pig, however it is still a pig. The rhetoric emanating from the political celebrations is the exact same bag of hot...
                                          • Frantz
                                            All of this will need a draft. This will not be popular, the draft never ever has actually been, however this is the reality. While we go shopping, see our sitcoms, download our preferred songs onto our I-pods, the Marxist media claims America is...